What made you start your own business?
I was made redundant while I was 5 months pregnant, so instead of trying to find a new job when I had just 4 months to go before I needed to go on maternity leave, I started my own business.
How long did it take you to establish yourself / the business?
I went freelance in 2003 and it took about eighteen months to really launch myself. I then had to re-establish the business when I moved in 2006, and then I had another child so took some time off for that. In 2009 I really made headway with the business and now I am fully established with a very strong client-base.
Do you have any tips for anyone looking to start out in business or looking to grow an existing business?
For new startups – focus on your core business and make sure you know what you are offering, how you are offering it and who you are offering it to. Although this may change over time, you need to have a solid base to start out with. Also, set some business goals, keep a diary for your daily tasks and don’t let the small things distract you. Stay focused.
What does your typical work day look like?
I get up very early before the rest of my family so I have about 3 hours of solid working time without interruptions. I do what I can during the day and try to schedule all my business meetings during school hours. I also work almost every evening after the kids are in bed. The last task of the day is to populate my daily schedule for the next day/rest of the week.
What are the biggest challenges you face?
The hardest challenge is juggling the kids with work. As a one-woman business I also struggle to get noticed by larger companies.
What are the perks that come with your job?
I love what I do – I don’t have to ask anyone for time off for family holidays and I also get to meet some truly inspirational people.
What advice would you give to aspiring freelancers?
Work hard – you must put the time in and don’t expect things to always go smoothly. And remember, when they don’t go smoothly, you have the power to change things because you are your own boss. If possible, get a business mentor or make sure you have some support – someone you can talk to about your business ideas and how things are going – to celebrate with when things go well and to offer support and advice when things don’t go so well.
It’s only been in the last few years that I’ve found this and now I am also mentoring others. It is so important and I wish I had it when I was starting out.
How can our readers find out more about your business?
Take a look at my website www.whiteochre.com to find out more about what I do.
The post Interview: Meg Fenn of White Ochre Design appeared first on Freelance Advisor.